perm filename TRIP.NOV[RDG,DBL] blob sn#689245 filedate 1982-11-11 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	∂TO bmt@mit-mc 16:50 21-Oct-82
C00006 00003	∂20-Oct-82  1500	Ohman at SUMEX-AIM 	Phone Message  
C00008 00004	∂TO bmt@mit-mc 23:07 26-Oct-82
C00010 00005	∂TO bmt@mit-mc 17:24 27-Oct-82
C00011 00006	Travel Itinerary
C00014 00007	∂TO bmt@mit-mc 18:04 2-Nov-82
C00015 00008	∂TO kew@mit-mc 19:53 14-Oct-82
C00024 00009	∂TO "brooks@mit-oz"@mit-mc 14:35 1-Nov
C00026 00010	∂TO bmt@mit-mc 15:04 11-Nov-82
C00028 00011	Follow up
C00029 ENDMK
∂TO bmt@mit-mc 16:50 21-Oct-82
[not read until 26-Oct, after talk with Dr Hong]
Msg for Jim Griesmer: Discouraging Words

Dr Griesmer,

     As planned, I asked Mike Genesereth if he wanted me to speak on MRS.
He responded with a rather emphatic NO -- that MRS was not yet at the
right stage of development, that he was currently preparing that talk,
etc...  He went on to say (with equal fervor!) that he thought it would be
a big mistake for me to formally present my neo-natal thesis ideas there
at this time; as the small amount of work already done could not help but
appear superficial and uninteresting, while the remaining tasks would come
across as just so much handwaving.

     Doug Lenat independently seconded that opinion.  My thesis ideas were
not ready for presentation; and I would only lose by discussing them in
any formal forum.  While a dissertation talk is appropriate for official
"I am about to graduate" visits, we agreed that, given my current
situation, personal conversations with the people there would be the best
use of all of our time(s).

     Their fears reflect the concerns I mentioned some weeks ago, albeit
more strongly.  While I do not agree with the strength of their
convictions, I do respect their opinions, and, with your permission, would
like to consider various other options, which do not involve a pre-mature
talk.  Has this presentation been officially announced there?  If not,
then perhaps you and I should discuss this issue again...

     One possible alternative would be to circulate a short (i.e. 3-4
page) sketch of my thesis proposal, which succinctly outlines the task I
will approach, and my methodology.  (This would be the basic content of
that talk anyway.)  This could easily lead to small, informal group
discussions on these issues.

     I would still like to visit your site, despite this minor change of
plans.  I look forward to hearing your response soon, and to meeting you 4
Nov., if that offer still stands.

Thank you,

∂20-Oct-82  1500	Ohman at SUMEX-AIM 	Phone Message  
To:   rdg at SU-AI

Mr. Sejune Hong, Mr. Jim Griesner's Manager, IBM, has been attempting to
contact you.  He will continue to try using your office number:
497-1863.  If he is unable to contat you, please call him on Monday
or Tuesday at (914) 945-2265.  Thank you...Donna

∂TO ohman@sumex 22:58 20-Oct-82
Phone Info
Donna -
	Thanks (again) for conveying the phone message to me.  If Dr
Hong (or anyone else) wishes to contact me in the future, feel free
to give them my home phone number:
	(415) 326-1730, or 325-7043.
Acceptable calling times are from 9:30AM through 11PM.


I called him 13:59 Fri 22-Oct-82 -- no answer!
I called him 13:10 Mon 25-Oct-82 -- no answer!
	[then called x3000, and spoke w/sec'y -- and told he'd call back]
I called him 11:20 Tues 26-Oct-82 -- and spoke w/him.
	I'll talk on Analogies.
∂TO bmt@mit-mc 23:07 26-Oct-82
Dr Griesmer, Dr Hong, et al,

If it seems appropriate, I will present a general overview talk, covering
my views and interests on the topic of Expert Systems.  The first part
would be an introduction to Expert Systems in general -- how to
characterize them, how they work, and their strong and weak points.  That
last part leads naturally to the second section, on the issues of
Knowledge Acquisition.  After discussing the difficulties, I will outline
some of the approaches now undertaken; concluding with a brief sketch of
my thoughts on how Analogy may be used.

This proposal differs from the suggestion I made earlier today, of
discussing the "What's in an Analogy" paper Mike and I are currently
composing.  Writing the outline convinced me the ideas were still too
ill-formed and incohesive for presentation.

Sometime tomorrow I'll mail a one paragraph abstract of this talk. 
∂TO bmt@mit-mc 17:24 27-Oct-82
[mailed next page sans cost, seat number & addresses; with below]

***** ----- ***** ----- ***** ----- *****
The cost for a direct flight, 
	SJC to NY on 3/XI,
and returning
	NY  to SJC on 5/XI,
is $754.  
(Explanation: My current <SJ → NY, Boston → SJ> trip is cheaper because I am staying
at my farthest destination over a Saturday night.)
Travel Itinerary
Russell Greiner's Trip to Yorktown Heights, to visit 
IBM's TJ Watson Research Center

***** San Jose → New York *****
 3/XI	American #28	SJC	Chicago		[$109]	<17D>
Wed			9:28AM	3:15PM
	American #446	Chicago	NY-Leg			<17D>
			4PM	6:59PM

	[[[ IBM Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY
	[[[   (914) 945-3000 -- gen'l info
	[[[   (914) 945-3067 -- for Jim Griesmer  [hm: (914) 941-7786]
	[[[   (914) 945-2265 -- for Sejune Hong (↑'s manager)

***** New York → West Palm Beach *****
 5/XI	Eastern #883	NY-Leg	WPB		[$129]
Fri			2:20PM	4:55PM

	[[[ Celia Schreiber
	[[[   (305) 421-3657 -- 702 SE 2nd Ave #306, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441
	[[[   (305) 998-9233 -- [work] IBM, Boca Raton, Florida 33???  [998-2000 is info]

***** West Palm Beach → Boston *****
 8/XI	Eastern #1608	WPB	Atlanta		[$99]
Mon			9:35AM	11:04AM
	Eastern #690	Atlanta	Boston
			12:23PM	2:40PM

	[[[ Miles Greiner
	[[[   (617) 497-9569 --  1010 Massachusetts Ave. #61, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02???
	[[[   (617) 253-2198 --  Office @ MIT  -- Room 3-253 (under Prof ?)
	[[[   (617) 253-5339 --  Ex-Office @ MIT

***** Boston → San Jose *****
10/XI	American #315	Boston	Dallas		[$169]	<15D>
Wed			5:46PM	8:50PM
	American #507	Dallas	SJC			<15D>
			9:35PM	11:02PM

						 $506 total
[[[Ride home: Holly Davison - (415) 322-9159 ]]]
∂TO bmt@mit-mc 18:04 2-Nov-82
(Final) Msg for Jim Griesmer

My talk is all set -- or at least I've reached a stopping point in its
development.  There are a few places which require (well, which will work
better with) a pair of projectors.
Will it be possible to get *two* standard transparency projectors for
the presentation?

Looking forward to meeting you soon,
∂TO kew@mit-mc 19:53 14-Oct-82
Trying to find the Mark
Ka:ren -
[Overhead:]  Greetings!  How are things there?  Anything particularly
interesting happening at MIT these days?  ... etc etc etc ...

[Background:] We met a few months ago,
(a bit after AAAI, and just before your ?Yosemite? trip),
when you were trying desparately (and unsuccessfully) to find a
Stanford computer whose mean time-between-crashes exceeded your

[[Otherwise untitled paragraph]:] I mentioned then that I was looking
for a copy of Bill Mark's thesis, titled something like 
"Reformulation as a Model of Expertise".
When you politely volunteered to retrieve and mail me a copy,
I responded that I would check various other sources first.

[Situation:]  Well, they all dried out.
If your offer still holds, could you snail mail it to

	Russ Greiner
	Margaret Jacks Hall
	Computer Science Dept.
	Stanford University
	Stanford, CA  94305-2085

[Conclusion:] Thanks much, and let me know if there is anything I can do for
you here.


∂20-Oct-82  1015	KEW at MIT-MC 	Trying to find the Mark  
Subject: Trying to find the Mark 
In-reply-to: The message of 14 Oct 1982  22:55-EDT from Russell Greiner <RDG at SU-AI>


I have found the Mark!  Could you send me your address at Stanford or
wherever your home is and I will get it into the mail to you.  Lucky
you.  I saved you $5 or so.

Everything here at MIT is MITish.  Is everything out at Stanford
Stanfordish?  Are you finishing soon?  I'm not finishing soon enough.
They have this horrible requirement here about getting a Master's
degree before you PhD.  What a hassle.  Oh well, back to the grind.  

Keep in touch.


∂20-Oct-82  1400	KEW at MIT-MC 	Trying to find the Mark  
To:   Russell Greiner <RDG at SU-AI>
In-reply-to: The message of 14 Oct 1982  22:55-EDT from Russell Greiner <RDG at SU-AI>


Ignore the part about your address.  I was a bit spaced out this
morning.  It will be in the mail tomorrow.


∂TO kew@mit-mc 13:16 21-Oct

I *was* wondering why you asked for my address; but just figured the mail system
had fucked up. (Change that to "fouled up", in case this is being scrutinized.)
By the way, lucky me can also be reached at 
	1141 High Street
	Palo Alto, CA  94301
(sorry it only has a 5 digit zip; Palo Alto is still behind the times...)

Thanks for the swift service.

More info about my grind, later,
∂TO kew@mit-mc 14:25 1-Nov-82
(1) Thanks! (2) Advanced warning
Ka:ren -
	First, the report reached me.  Thanks much for sending it.
Second, it looks like I'll be in your neck of the woods, visiting brother
Miles and MIT, the week after next (Monday thru Wednesday, 8-10 Nov).
(It was when I thought this trip have been skunked that I send the request
for that thesis...  Life is indeed unpredictable.)
Shall we plan to meet at some point -- i.e. what is your schedule then?
(Also, do you happen to know if Randy will be around?)

On a related note: how does one arrange an "audience" with Dr Winston?
The obvious channel seems ineffective:  He never responded to the message
I sent prior to my last visit.
Are there other channels?

	Thanks again.
Ru(note the absense of sideways u:mlat)ss

∂01-Nov-82  2219	KEW at MIT-MC 	(1) Thanks! (2) Advanced warning   


Sure, we can meet the week you are coming in.  I assume that Randy
will be around and if you send me times you would like to see him, I
will attempt to set up an appointment with him.  Tell me something
wonderful about yourself and I will announce you that way.  Also, I
can attempt to make an appointment with Winston, but again, you should
let me know your schedule.


∂TO kew@mit-mc 17:57 2-Nov
Schedule, etc


My plane arrives in Boston at 2:40PM, Monday, 8 Nov; and I'll depart on
Wednesday, 10 Nov, at 5:46PM.  (that's *this* upcoming week, despite the
implications of my last msg.)

I plan to spend some half-day waddling about MIT's CS department (and
semi-aimlessly at that, as my usual escort, Rod Brooks, will be out west).
(Subject to the whims of brother Miles,) perhaps that could be Tuesday AM
-- if that is good for you, Randy, Winston...  (Randy knows who I am, but
feel free to refresh his memory, by reminding him that I'm working with
Doug Lenat, and Mike Genesereth, on analogy.  That description is
appropriate for Dr Winston as well.  Sorry it is so wonderful-less...)

Obvious alternatives include Tuesday PM, Wed AM, or Wed PM.  (I've always
been an exhaustive individual...)

Unfortunately I'll probably be incommunicado until my arrival at Boston --
unless I can convince persons at Yorktown Heights, IBM, to let me use the
net (perhaps via BMT@MIT-MC).  For what it's worth, Miles is at (617)
497-9569 --- sadly, and despite my best efforts and encouragements, he
lacks an account.

Thanks for the running around, etc.  Hope to see you then,

∂03-Nov-82  1748	KEW at MIT-MC 	Schedule, etc  
To:   Russell Greiner <RDG at SU-AI>
cc:   kew at MIT-OZ

A quick note:  you may be gone by now but I'll try anyway...

winston 2:00 Wednesday afternoon


∂TO "brooks@mit-oz"@mit-mc 14:35 1-Nov
Quick, baracade the door...
Rod -
	Guess who's(sp) going to be in your neck of the woods in the
immediate future?  (Actually I didn't forget that I mentioned this to
you before, but thought you might.)
Give up?

	I'll be there next week, Monday thru Wednesday, 8-10 Nov.
Will you have tour-guide time then?
Also, any idea what Dr Winston will be doing those days?
I'd still like to arrange an "audience" with him -- how do I go about
doing that (given that he doesn't seem to respond to messages, such
as the one I sent prior to my last visit)...


∂01-Nov-82  2031	BROOKS at MIT-OZ at MIT-MC 	Re: Quick, baracade the door...      

Hmmm -- I had forgotten that you would be coming, but fortunately
I have arranged to be out of town for the duration (in LA, Hughesing).

The besst thing to do about an audience with Winston is to either
call Karen Prendergast (his assistant) and try to arrange an
appoinment (she doesn't reply to computer mail either), or if DBL
thinks he can swing it, get him to call PHW himself. I don't know
how DBL and PHW get on, so you'll have to figure out for yourself
whether that's a good idea....

Catch you next time,


∂TO bmt@mit-mc 15:04 11-Nov-82
Msg for SJH
Se Jung -
	Below msg refers to the talk I mentioned I would miss...

∂ 1 Nov 1982 0854-PST	Mullen at SUMEX-AIM	McDermott talk
To:   hpp:

                         Special Seminar
                  Wednesday, November 10, 3:30-4:30 PM
                 MJH146 (Boys Town Conference Room)

                       CMU Style Expert Systems
                            John McDermott
                      Carnegie-Mellon University

After providing a brief overview of some of the expert systems projects
at CMU, McDermott will discuss some of the strengths and weaknesses
of the OPS language and will point out how the strengths have been
exploited in the expert systems developed at CMU.

Follow up
1) I enjoyed my recent trip -- buglaries and sleepiness notwitstanding.
Thank you for the invitation.

2) I was mailed the contents of my wallet, sans the $47+.  So that turned
out alright, all told.

3) Sorry the presentation was so disappointing/unsatisfactory.